Optical Transceiver Module
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25G optical transceiver application in 5G market 25G, SFP+

2024 / 07 / 12

25G optical transceiver application in 5G market 25G, SFP+
From the urrent situation, the driving force of optical transceivers mainly comes from the needs of data communication centers. The bursting of data traffic and the accelerated deployment of 5G and Internet of Things will further drive the demand for high-speed optical transceivers. The optical transceivers are in great demand as core components.
The application of the 25G optical module industry chain has gradually replaced the 10G optical transceiver to become the mainstream. The data center, wireless network, access network, and transmission network have formed a demand for 25G optical transceiver transceivers, which will be an explosive force of the industry.
Advantages of the 25G Ethernet solution:
Doing network solutions can save costs;
High speed and low power consumption;
100G data transmission using 25G single physical layer technology
Optimal input/output (I/O) performance and fiber capacity, 2.5 times the performance of 10G Ethernet;
Compared with 10G and 40G, 2 Fiber Channel can be used to achieve 50G transmission rate;
The number of ToR switches and cables required is smaller.
5G commercial is close at hand, while 5G bearer provides an opportunity for the innovation and development of optical transceivers, while the time window for the mature and scale application of new optical module technology is shortened. The 5G bearer working group will strengthen cooperation with the industry, focus on consensus, and jointly promote the key technology research, test evaluation and standardization of 5G bearer optical transceivers, and jointly promote the healthy and orderly development of the 5G optical module technology industry, and strongly support the upcoming 5G scale deployment.#5G #25G #100G #SFP

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